
About Department

     The Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Tamil Nadu provides the Primary Health Care services in the State through 1,807 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) including 424 Upgraded Primary Health Centres in rural areas and 460 Urban Primary Health Centres in urban areas including 140 Urban PHCs in Greater Chennai Corporation to achieve quality services and Health for All. There are 8,713 Health Sub Centres functioning in the State as first level of service delivery units for the public in Primary Health Care. The Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine was established during 1923 and the State of Tamil Nadu has the distinction of having been the first State to have a separate set up and Directorate exclusively for Public Health.

     Civil Registration is a continuous, permanent, compulsory recording of the occurrence and characteristics of vital events, like births, deaths and still births.  The registration of births and deaths is carried out uniformly throughout the country as per the Registration of Birth and Death Act 18 of 1969.  As per the provisions of the RBD Act, 1969 all births and deaths have to be compulsorily reported for registration at the place of occurrence. The Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969 came into force in Tamil Nadu from 01.04.1970 and it is governed by Tamil Nadu Registration of Birth and Death Rules, 1977. The revamped system of registration of births and deaths was implemented from 01.01.2000 as per Tamil Nadu Registration of Birth and Death Rules, 2000.

     The Registrar General India, Ministry of Home Affairs is the central authority for implementing the Registration of the Birth and  Death Act, 1969 for the entire country.  As per the provision of the RBD Act, 1969 the Government has appointed the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine as the Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths for Tamil Nadu to implement and execute the provisions of the RBD Act 1969 in the State. 

In Tamil Nadu, the registration of births and deaths is carried out by the local registrars of Municipal Administration, Town Panchayats, Revenue Administration, Corporation and Public Health Department appointed by the State Government under Section 7(1) of the RBD Act,1969 under whose jurisdiction the event has taken place.
